August 8, 2008

A lot...

Today a lot got accomplished. I didn't even do most of it!!

My wonderful husband has been knocking out the dirty laundry. There is a little bit more but he's done a great job!! He'll have it done tomorrow I'll bet!

I completed the strings and hung them from the ceiling. I even re-did half of them because they were to low so I had to take them down and recut them and then hang them again.

I also knocked out 7 CBL (computer based learning) so I have 1 more for my current job code, 1 for my 1st secondary job code, and A LOT for my newest secondary job code! I'm going to try to get most of them knocked out tomorrow before my day off on Sunday... but we will see!

We also have *A* and *R* which has added extra people to the number of people that Steve had to take care of while he's doing all the housework. Poor Steve... 5 kids is alot... good thing he loves all of us!!


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