August 5, 2008

Head Start

Today was our home visit from Head Start. Which basically means that they come in and talk to both the parents and the student. Any paper work that needs to be caught up gets caught up. They also use this as a way to update about how your child is doing throughout the year. These aren't the type of home visit that you might think of. They don't go through and make sure every little thing is picked up. I've never had them go beyond my living room without my child initiating it (like asking them to come see something).

Today's visit was about getting all the registration forms filled out or updated. Matthew played very shy! At least all the papers that have to be filled out are already filled out.

We still have to go to orientation (8/12), go get hemoglobin results and TB waver/results (8/12), go get his physical (8/13), and turn all these papers in at the office (8/15). At least I don't have to fill them out! Matt will have to go to the dentist sometime in November. Maybe next month I will work on getting an appointment that far out.

Then he starts Head Start on 8/18!! WOOT. He's so happy... although I think a bit nervous too.

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